Saturday, 23 December 2023

Joyeux Noël 2023

Nous vous souhaitons un Joyeux Noël - merci d'être venus à la soirée d'échange linguistique français / anglais en 2023...

Au plaisir de vous revoir l'année prochaine !

Wednesday, 11 October 2023

10 ANS ! 10 YEARS! Musical evening... Everyman Theatre Cork 19 Oct. 8pm

Bonjour ! Nous fêtons nos 10 ans !

We are celebrating our 10th anniversary. 

To mark this milestone, we are going to the Everyman Theatre in Cork City on Thursday 19 October 2023 at 8pm to hear Christine Bovill sing the songs of Edith Piaf, Jacques Brel, Serge Gainsbourg, and Françoise Hardy. 

Songs will be sung in French and English. You will find information about the show here.

If you want to be part of our celebrations, email and we will reserve a ticket for you at a reduced rate. Dépêchez-vous !

A bientôt !


Monday, 9 January 2023

Weekly French / English language exchange in Cork City

Happy New Year | Bonne année !

Established in 2013, the Cork French / English language continues to meet in Cork city on Mondays at 8pm.

Join us in the Rising Sons Bar on Cornmarket Street, Cork and practise your language skills with native speakers. It's free and open to all. 

Email if you would like to know more or if you have any questions. 

Search for us on social media using the following identifiers: @CorkFrench #CorkFrench