Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Cork Film Festival 2017 - French language films

Like French language films? Here is a list of some of the films that are showing at the 2017 Cork Film Festival.
Photograph of 'Ouaga Girls' from Festival website.

  • Sunday 11 November, 3:35pm, Triskel Cinema - Le Salaire de la peur (The Wages of Fear), http://corkfilmfest.org/events/the-wages-of-fear/
  • Tuesday 14 November, 6:40pm, Gate Cinema - L'Amant Double (The Double Lover) http://corkfilmfest.org/events/lamant-double/
  • Wednesday 15 November, 6:15pm, Gate Cinema - L'Amant d'un jour (Lover for a Day) http://corkfilmfest.org/events/lover-day-lamant-dun-jour/
  • Thursday 16 November, 4:15pm, Gate Cinema - Ouaga Girls http://corkfilmfest.org/events/ouaga-girls/
  • Friday 17 November, 1:30pm, Gate Cinema - Happy End http://corkfilmfest.org/events/best-of-fest/
  • Saturday 18 November, 9:00pm, Gate Cinema, Barbara http://corkfilmfest.org/events/barbara/