Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Vacances de Noël

Thanks a million to everyone who joined us over the past year. Hope to see you again in 2018.

Merci beaucoup à tous ceux qui sont venus pendant l'année 2017. J'espère vous revoir en 2018.

Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année.

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Cork Film Festival 2017 - French language films

Like French language films? Here is a list of some of the films that are showing at the 2017 Cork Film Festival.
Photograph of 'Ouaga Girls' from Festival website.

  • Sunday 11 November, 3:35pm, Triskel Cinema - Le Salaire de la peur (The Wages of Fear), http://corkfilmfest.org/events/the-wages-of-fear/
  • Tuesday 14 November, 6:40pm, Gate Cinema - L'Amant Double (The Double Lover) http://corkfilmfest.org/events/lamant-double/
  • Wednesday 15 November, 6:15pm, Gate Cinema - L'Amant d'un jour (Lover for a Day) http://corkfilmfest.org/events/lover-day-lamant-dun-jour/
  • Thursday 16 November, 4:15pm, Gate Cinema - Ouaga Girls http://corkfilmfest.org/events/ouaga-girls/
  • Friday 17 November, 1:30pm, Gate Cinema - Happy End http://corkfilmfest.org/events/best-of-fest/
  • Saturday 18 November, 9:00pm, Gate Cinema, Barbara http://corkfilmfest.org/events/barbara/

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

La rentrée - 11 September 2017

Hourra ! The Cork French / English language exchange will resume after the summer break on MONDAY 11 September 2017 from 8pm in Electric, 41 South Mall, Cork T12 TC96.

Join us to practise your French / English in a friendly atmosphere. Find us on Facebook, Twitter and Meetup

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Summer schedule | Plan d'été

Summer schedule - Plan d'été -

Programme de réunions pendans les vacances d'été - au lieu de se retrouver toutes les semaines, nous vous proposons de se réunir une fois par mois. Voici le programme:

Instead of meeting every week, we propose to meet once a month during the summer months. Here is a list of dates:

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Now on Meetup & other ways to follow us

Different ways to follow us / contact us:

Meetup - www.meetup.com/Cork-French-English-Language-Exchange/

Twitter - www.twitter.com/CorkFrench

Facebook - www.facebook.com/CorkFrench

Gmail - corkfrench@gmail.com

Phone - 085 174 1504

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Cinema Trip - 2017 Cork French Film Festival

We're going to the Cinema!

Join us on Saturday, 11 March 2017, 21:00 - Gate Cinema, North Main Street, Cork.
See www.facebook.com/corkfrench for more information.

Monday, 6 March 2017

English language learning resources

I recently complied a list of French language learning resources. Here it is. I was going to do the same for the English language, but then I found this comprehensive list complied by the Language Centre at University College Cork (UCC). So I decided to share their list instead.

Follow this link for lots of useful links for learning the English language - https://ucclangcent.wordpress.com/fa/

If you want to add more links, email corkfrench@gmail.com

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

French language learning resources

Here is a short list of resources that might help those who are learning French. If you would like to add to the list, email corkfrench@gmail.com
About.com French: http://french.about.com/

Apprendre le français avec TV5MONDE: http://apprendre.tv5monde.com/

Bonjour de France: http://www.bonjourdefrance.com/

Lawless French: https://www.lawlessfrench.com/

Le Mag Franco-Irish: http://le.mag.franco.irish/

Podcast français facile: http://www.podcastfrancaisfacile.com/

RFI Savoirs Apprendre et enseigner le français: https://savoirs.rfi.fr/apprendre-enseigner

Tex's French grammar: http://www.laits.utexas.edu/tex/gr/overview.html

Université de Reims list of resources for French language learners: http://eos.univ-reims.fr/cerel/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=11&Itemid=12

Collins English French Dictionary: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english-french

Larousse Dictionnaire de français: http://www.larousse.fr/dictionnaires/francais

WordReference.com: http://www.wordreference.com/enfr/welcome

Duolingo: https://www.duolingo.com/

Memrise: http://www.memrise.com/app/

Friday, 13 January 2017

New Year's resolutions - improve your French / English.

The first Cork French / English language exchange of 2017 is on MONDAY 16 January at 8pm in Electric, 41 South Mall, Cork. It's an ideal opportunity to practise your French or English in a friendly atmosphere.

La prochaine soirée d'échange linguistique français / anglais aura lieu LUNDI 16 janvier à Electric, 41 South Mall, Cork à partir de 20h.